Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Olbermann Puff

This puff piece by the New York Times on Keith Olbermann is what DailyKos characterized as Fox "feeling the heat from Olbermann". Here's a snippet of the "heat":
...Mr. Olbermann has managed to climb past CNN into second place in the news channel competition at 8 p.m. among that 25-to-54 group. That qualifies as a feat for MSNBC, though Mr. Olbermann’s show remains little more than a dot in the rearview mirror of Fox News.
A little more than a dot and the KosKids are dancing in the streets. Oh well, I guess you take what you can get. I admit to watching a bit more of Olbermann these days than I ever did before. Not for anything substantive, but for the mere entertainment of the nutiness. I don't find him funny in the slightest, but the material he covers on his show is a rabid Bush haters dream. It's not for everybody, but if you want to crawl inside the head of a nutty left winger, this is a good start.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Nothing on the latest Mideast conflict? The primaries?

What gives, o wise sage?