Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I Know What's Best!

There are many reasons that I don't particularly care for Sen. McCain, but his Campaign Finance Reform Bill is at the top of my list. I also hold President Bush responsible for signing the bill into law as he expected the Supreme Court to do his dirty work for him by striking it down. Didn't happen, and now we're stuck with a horrible piece of legislation that infringes on one of our most precious and fundamental rights: Freedom of Speech.

Today, the Examiner takes Sen. McCain to task for some comments he made recently. It begins in part:
James Madison, the prime mover behind the U.S. Constitution, and his colleagues among the Founders rightly feared arrogant men like Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., so they limited the central government to a few, well-defined powers. As further protection, Madison and the first Congress approved the First Amendment to the Constitution to protect forever the right of every American to freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition.

Why do we think of the Arizona senator when arrogance is mentioned? Dictionary.com defines arrogance as “overbearing pride evidenced by a superior attitude toward inferiors.” McCain incited a blogstorm Friday with this comment, which epitomizes political arrogance:

“I know that money corrupts … I would rather have a clean government than one where, quote, First Amendment rights are being respected, that has become corrupt. If I had my choice, I’d rather have the clean government.”

Sen. McCain is indeed a very arrogant man, and must be kept as far away from the Oval Office as possible.

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