Friday, April 13, 2007

Conspiracy Crackpots

Bill Whittle of Eject! Eject! Eject! lays it on the conspriacy theorists, especially the Truthers and Rosie O'Donnell. He discusses the Lunar Landing, JFK assassination, airliner contrails, and last but not least the Truthers. I really liked this line about Rosie:
Rosie O’ Donnell making such a claim on a major network is a national disgrace. The fact that much of the audience cheered and applauded is nothing less than a national catastrophe.

To her, and to her audience, it is taken as granted that the government is capable of such things. As if “the government” was operated by cyborgs grown in Haliburton vats, rather than by well-meaning and patriotic people that love this country.

"This is the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel," she said. This is a statement of such pristine and perfect idiocy that it surely must be emblazoned in stone across the entrance to the Physics Imbecile wing of the Moron Museum of Natural History. But mastery of physics and engineering requires some intelligence, some perseverance and some discipline: none of which are in evidence in this buffoon. Everything is a conspiracy to a mind this far gone. The 15 British sailors kidnapped at sea? All a plan by our evil (but incompetent!) government to get the next war it so desperately needs. “Gulf of Tonkin! Google It, people!” she said on national TV.

And I will, Rosie. I promise. As soon as I finish googling MAD COW DISEASE.

Physics Imbecile wing of the Moron Museum of Natural History? I love it. (via Michelle Malkin.)

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