Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Illogical Left

I read this post from Matt Stoller of MyDD yesterday and pretty much ignored it because it seemed pretty silly to me. In it, Stoller talks of how proud he is to pay his taxes because he loves America. On the other side of this, he says conservatives hate America because they hate taxes. Money quote:
The right-wing likes to pretend as if taxes are a burden instead of the price of democracy. And I suppose, if you hate democracy, as the right-wing does, then taxes are the price for paying for something you really don't want.
You can see why I ignored it, because it's a pretty dumb conclusion. Conservatives don't rail against all taxes, they argue against excessive tax rates which place an unneccessary burden on the American people which in turn retards economic opportunity and growth for everybody as a whole.

Anyway, I'm posting on it now because Stoller again regales us with his wisdom after his post made for rounds. Here he is again with the same twisted logic:
When you point out that a hatred of taxes, which is hatred of money paid for the upkeep of America, thus equates to a hatred of America, they can't deal with it.
There, got it? "Hatred" of taxes equals "hatred of America." And this is one of the leading voices on the port side of the blogosphere.

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