I am now in support of the deal and believe that the 45 days agreed to with Congress by the Administration to review the deal is a good idea. That will give the Administration time to bring many Republicans back into the fold and make the case to the American people (mostly his base though) that this is not bad policy.
It seems to me that caution, when first learning about this, was prudent. Instead we saw a lot of hysteria and demagoguery from both sides. For the Republicans is was out of the idea of an Arab country "buying American ports." For the Democrats is was of a political opportunity to appear stronger on security than the President. And for good measure the subject was port security which, to their credit, they've been bitching about for years. Now, however, people are beginning to learn that Dubai is not "buy American ports," nor are they exactly Saudi Arabia.
The Democrats won't budge an inch because they've staked out they're ground and they believe this issue is a winner. Look for Republicans to move back into line as the debate ensues and other than the fact that Dubai is an Arab (Muslim) county, there's no reason to block the deal. In the end I say the President wins this one.
If nothing else, perhaps it's an opportunity for all of us learn a little more about the Middle East and places like Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the U.A.E.
Update: Jim Geraghty says don't believe everything you here from the Democrats (not surprising) and even some Republicans (sadly.) He doesn't mince words:
The UAE is, in its actions right now, an ally. The Democratic party as a whole appears hell-bent on scuttling this deal, and ruining relations with this ally. For all that party’s relentless talk about the U.S. needing allies and strong partnerships, they will urinate all over one of our comrades in order to score points against the president.Ouch! Read the whole thing.
However, this is the same party urging us to continue sending aid to the Palestinians, where it can be used by the new government of Hamas.
The Democratic Party would humiliate, alienate, and punish our allies while sending financial aid to terrorists and sucking up to our enemies. Do not buy into the line that they are pushing.