Monday, February 20, 2006

Who? Us?

The MSM's spiral into irrelevancy continues. According to Drudge, Newsweek and Time will continue to beat the dead horse that is Quailgate in their upcoming issues.

Here's Newsweek's explanation:
"The reason we ultimately decided to stick with a cover is not because of the hunting incident itself-although we did turn up some new details that you might not have read elsewhere-but because of what it says about the mysterious world of the most powerful vice president of recent times."
And Dana Milbank:
"Of course they succeed," Milbank said of Bush aides. "The press always looks awful. They will once again make us look awful."
And CBS White House correspondent Bill Plante:
"The vice president and the White House have both used the constant press coverage of this story as a wedge [...] It plays to the prejudices of the people who are predisposed not to like us, and it's one way to distract attention from what happened."
No, it's not their fault that they come across as arrogant, narcissistic, self-absorbed pinheads. It's Bush's spin machine at fault! And they say President Bush lives in a bubble.

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